As we approach the year-end, taxpayers should consider the following amendments to regulations made by the Louisiana Department of Revenue earlier this year that go into effect today and on January 1st and the emergency rule regarding the following real and personal property regulations: LAC 61:V.703, 705, 901, 903, 907, 1007, 1103, 1301, 1303

Owners of businesses in Louisiana considering a sale or divestiture of their ownership interests or substantially all of the assets of a business entity domiciled in this state should be advised that during the 2024 Third Extraordinary Session the legislature repealed the net capital gains deduction in its entirety.

On February 16, 2024, the Treasury Department published a proposed regulation relating to new reporting requirements for certain transfers of residential real estate consistent with its rulemaking authority under the Bank Secrecy Act. The rule would require the filing of a Real Estate Report with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) after the transfer of residential real estate.